Orthodontics is the specialty of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental malpositions and jaw deformations.
The correction of teeth and bone bases is carried out using a series of devices that can be fixed or removable, depending on each case. These orthodontic devices and work techniques have evolved a lot, so that today we have aesthetic techniques that have made the devices practically invisible.
In our clinic, orthodontic treatments are aimed at patients of all ages and the treatment is carried out by specialized professionals and in collaboration with various professionals from other areas to carry out an interdisciplinary treatment for each patient. Children are advised to see an orthodontist before the age of 6 in order to detect possible significant dental or skeletal alterations early and be able to correct them.
Doctors will perform a thorough clinical examination and study by taking a series of records such as: dental models, facial and intraoral photographs and x-rays that will allow them to create an appropriate and personalized treatment plan.
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