Dental sedation is a technique used at the Esdens Dental Center for patients who suffer from anxiety or a phobia of dental treatment. At this dental center, we have an expert team of anesthesiologists who assist them at any time so that the treatment is carried out as comfortably as possible.
The term “conscious sedation” was introduced by the “American Dental Society of Anesthesiology” and refers to a medically controlled state of sedation of consciousness, which keeps the patient free of anxiety, tension and pain, while allowing the patient to respond to physical stimuli or direct orders.
Conscious sedation consists of the administration of anxiolytics and analgesics that, when dosed precisely and gradually, achieve the level of relaxation and well-being required for the intervention.
The patient is conscious and cooperative and, by having an intravenous line, drugs can be administered to obtain the precise level of sedation at each moment of the intervention.
The anaesthetist will first assess the patient’s medical history and any factors that may influence the sedation treatment, such as any pathology the patient may have (hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, etc.) as well as any regular medication the patient may be taking. The patient will be explained how the sedation treatment will be carried out, taking into account the individual needs of each person. Before the treatment is carried out, the patient will be informed of the fasting rules to follow, as well as the recommended premedication. During the treatment, the anaesthetist will monitor the patient’s vital signs (blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen saturation) and provide the necessary conditions for the patient to be calm and relaxed during the dental treatment.
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