The Legal Basis for processing medical-health data is included in the Patient Autonomy Law 41/2002 of November 14 “Patient Autonomy Law and Rights and Obligations regarding information and clinical documentation”. Also the execution of a medical-health services contract.
In the context of Health and Tax inspections, access to health data by the competent authorities is protected by Royal Legislative Decree 8/2015, of October 30, approving the revised text of the General Law on Social Security, as well as by Laws 33/2011, of October 4, General Public Health and 14/1986, of April 25, General Health.
Likewise, access by duly authorized health personnel, and within the framework of their inspection functions, is protected by Law 41/2002 on Patient Autonomy.
We inform you that based on article 17 of Law 41/2002. The conservation of the Clinical Documentation will be kept for a minimum of 5 years, counting from the date of discharge of each healthcare process and during the period that a judge or court may require it.
You are informed that your data will be communicated to the Autonomous Health Service and collaborating Entities of the S.S. that by legal obligation must access the data for the correct provision of medical-health care.
If the healthcare is provided based on agreements with Insurance Entities or under the protection of policies or coverage of which you, as a patient, are a beneficiary, the ENTITY may provide information on the services provided, including personal data, that is requested by the insurers or entities under whose coverage the assistance is provided, as they are essential for such coverage and its billing.
Likewise, in those cases in which, due to your treatment, the use of prostheses or some other specific surgical material is necessary, your personal data may be communicated to the supplier entities, solely and exclusively, for that purpose.
We can process your IP, what operating system or browser you use, and even the duration of your visit, anonymously.
If you provide us with data in the contact form, you will be identified so that we can contact you, if necessary.
Acceptance and consent of the interested party: In those cases where, in order to make a request, it is necessary to fill out a form and click on the send button, doing so will necessarily imply that you have been informed and have expressly given your consent to the content of the clause attached to said form or acceptance of the privacy policy.
All our forms have the symbol * in the mandatory data. If you do not fill in these fields, or do not check the checkbox to accept the privacy policy, the information will not be sent. Normally it has the following formula: “□ I have read and accept the Privacy Policy.”
On the website, you are allowed to subscribe to the Newsletter, if you provide us with an email address, to which it will be sent.
We will only store your email in our database, and we will proceed to send you emails periodically, until you request to unsubscribe, or we stop sending emails. You will always have the option to unsubscribe, in any communication.
Acceptance and consent of the interested party: In those cases where you subscribe, it will be necessary to accept a checkbox and click on the send button. This will necessarily imply that you have been informed and have expressly given your consent to receive the newsletter.
If you do not check the checkbox for acceptance of the privacy policy, the information will not be sent. Normally it has the following formula: “□ I have read and accept the Privacy Policy.”
The legal basis is the express consent of the respondent.
The legal basis is the acceptance of a contractual relationship, or failing that, your consent when contacting us or offering us your products in any way.
The acceptance of a contractual relationship in the environment of the corresponding social network, and in accordance with its Privacy policies (we recommend that you consult the privacy policy of the Social Network that applies in each case).
We can only consult or delete your data in a restricted manner by having a specific profile. We will process it for as long as you allow us to by following us on the respective social networks, being friends or clicking on “like”, “follow” or similar buttons.
Any rectification of your data or restriction of information or publications must be done through the configuration of your profile or user on the social network itself.
We also inform you that one year after receiving your CV, we will proceed to securely destroy it.
The legal basis is your unequivocal consent when you send us your CV.
Financiado por la Unión Europea - NextGenerationEU