Oral medicine deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the mucous membranes, tongue, palate and gums.
Among the most frequent conditions of the oral cavity, we can find:
Oral cavity conditions are treated differently depending on their severity.
Whenever a suspicious lesion is observed, a biopsy will be performed to analyze it histologically and determine its nature. In addition to oral medications, surgery is sometimes necessary to remove the lesion.
The main risk factors are tobacco, alcohol consumption and the human papillomavirus. It can appear in any area of the oral cavity, although it is most commonly located on the lateral edges of the tongue (sides), the floor of the mouth (under the tongue) and on the lips.
We must be alert to any ulcer or wound that does not heal within 15 days, any tumor, difficulty swallowing and the presence of white, red or black spots.
It is very important to obtain an early diagnosis to reduce morbidity and mortality. Our oral medicine specialist is responsible for prevention, oral screening and early diagnosis of this neoplasia.
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